Meet Yuri

Exploring ALL of ourselves can be tough at times, but having fun should always be part of this adventure.

Meet Yuri

Exploring ALL of ourselves can be tough at times, but having fun should always be part of this adventure.

Hi, I’m Yuri Nunes

From an early age, I was deeply drawn to martial arts, exploring disciplines such as Jujitsu, Karate, and Kung Fu. The philosophy behind these practices fascinated me, leading to a deeper understanding of the connection between physical movement, mental discipline, and personal evolution. This passion guided me toward studying Health and Sport Sciences in Pretoria, South Africa, and later, developing and running two gymnasiums. Through this experience, I gained valuable insight into the art of self-development—both physically and mentally.

However, I came to realize that true well-being is not just about the mind and body—it must also integrate the soul. This realization sparked a profound journey into consciousness and spiritual exploration, diving into meditation, mindfulness, lucid dreaming, out-of-body experiences, Reiki (Master level), Kriya Yoga, and advanced modalities such as Pandora Star.

To fully embody transformation, I also delved deeper into expressive movement and somatic practices, recognizing that deep healing and self-mastery require not only intellectual understanding but also physical and emotional release. This led me to explore BioDanza, TRE (Tension & Trauma Releasing Exercises), Emotional Release practices, and other forms of embodied movement. By integrating these approaches, I strive to bridge the gap between mind and body, ensuring a fully balanced and integrated approach to self-development.

With over 20 years of experience exploring the power of the mind and its connection to the body and spirit, I now facilitate talks, workshops, courses, and one-on-one sessions. My personal program, Mind Mastery, brings together these insights to help others unlock their full potential. Yet, my journey of exploration never stops—life itself is an ongoing adventure of learning, growth, and transformation, and I continue to seek and share new wisdom that supports deeper balance and self-evolution.

The culmination of everything I have learned, experienced and discovered I began to compile into new courses, from Mind Mastery, the 21 Day Meditation Challenge to 1 On 1 Personalised Coaching.

- Certified Teachable Coach

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